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Our mission is to foster a vibrant bioscience community and advance citizen science and molecular biology education.

We believe that combining cutting-edge molecular biology research with enhanced public education has the power to create a better world and accelerate scientific progress Read More

News and Events



Students for the MIT-HTGAA Ottawa Node please go to Ottawa Node for HTGAA Web Site for homework reviews.

MIT-HTGAA Course starts     
Ottawa Bio Science will be an official HTGAA node for the 2025 edition of MIT Media Lab of "How to Grow Almost Everything"

This is an amazing course that introduces the non-biologists to the inner mechanisms of life. And it's totally free!!

Registration for HTGAA 2025 might still be open Please submit your application via the Global HTGAA 2025 Student Application Form.


Fluorescent Cells: A Petri Dish Adventure Workshop at the library


Molecular Bio Open Source Software App

While molecular bio open source scripts  are abundant there is no UI app for manipulating DNA etc. 
A number of our members decided to develop an Open Source software called Open Bio. First scenario is to visualize and check primers for PCR and LAMP. 
There is no commercial or Open Source software that does that. We added a 'hide non-essential ' feature that is unique to facilitate the understanding of processes. 

At this point we have a working version that supports loading and displaying sequences and bio operations like anealing and elongation. All the 'fluff' sections have been compressed in only 3 bases and displayed in grey Here is a screenshot.



Tested the newly designed and built water bath. Successful in keeping a 45 Celsius constant temperature for 2 continuous days.

Finalize testing of the accessible protocol using Agar-Agar and bouillon. Here is the resulted culture under low UV showing superfoldedGFP is expressed.

superfoldedGFP plated on Bovril Agar-Agar and salt media

Design and build a water bath.  OS waterbath github

Created video draft waterbath build video

Discuss with Rideau-Rockcliffe Community Resource and incubator13.ca partnership

Create several raw videos for HTGAA external community

Perform the pork identification protocols 

Start Testing HTGAA Accessible protocols


Ottawa Bio Science meet at University of Ottawa STEM center


Publish final three pork identification protocols on protocols.io.

Solicited and received feedback from other DIY groups - Rachel Aronoff from Hackteria, Scott Pownall from Open Science Network Society and David Castillo from Glyxon labs.

Start videotape first raw cuts of HTGAA Accessible protocols


For LAMP assay prepare and publish the detailed protocol for pork identification protocol on protocols.io

Meet with Glyxon Bio to discuss partnership and opportunities for joint projects

Perform the meat prep protocol

Rick took pictures and will create a video

Reclone meeting and collaboration discussions with other labs

Continue to do course preparation and node handbook with HTGAA for 2025

Plan and test the next public workshop on DNA electrophoresis 


DNA extraction workshop

Protocol. Included origami DNA and video https://mrpauller.weebly.com/blog/origami-dna

For LAMP assay prepare and publish the meat preparation protocol at protocols.io

Fab Lab Festival participation. Our booth was very busy and successful. We were filmed and interviewed. We will update the links once we obtain the material. Fab Fest

Reclone meeting

Hack613 meeting

Discuss a secondary lab location with Canadian innovation space and incubator13

Build a Cell seminars

Continue to do course preparation and node handbook with HTGAA for 2025

Includes create handbook for the nodes. Comment on the existing documents and participate in the many meetings

Test the tube rotator and iterate the design. All finished and working.

Document GitHub project and document some basic bacterial growth. Endurance test for 3 weeks passed.  Full documentation at:



Prepare and acquire regents for the LAMPY assay

Continue detailed work for creating a secondary more accessible lab.

Reclone meeting and participation

Design and build a tube rotator

Create  GitHub project and start documenting.


Dry freezing in June

Discuss/assess simple dry freezing technique as per Jennifer's paper. Shall we attempt it? It requires a long list of reagents a fast freezing device and a strong vacuum pump to attempt sublimation.

Reclone meeting and participation

Advanced discussions with other organization  about partnering.  Start detailed work for creating a more accessible secondary lab.


Document the inoculating Robot

We need to meet and document the robot as the details are still fresh.
Here is the full current documentation: https://github.com/AdrianMolecule/inoculatingRobot

Inoculating Robot in action dispensing GFP under UV light Petri dish inoculated with GFP using the Inoculating Robot. Picture taken after incubation under UV light.

We will use the lessons and elements from the openFlexure project adapted to our project. It could be used for reading plaque for the HTGAA collab project.

Start literature research and design of continuous directed evolution system to implement

One of our long term intentions could become possible due to robotics. Try to identify a system that can be implemented using our implementation of pyLabRobot server.

Collab on HTGAA collab group project

Planning and start design of experiments

Design GA primers session

GA is maybe the most useful tool in engineering today so understanding it is a great skill. Bring scissors to cut DNA. Seriously...


Initial test the Inoculating robot

We will design several patterns.

Reclone grant proposal meeting

Discuss the potential involvement

Design the primers for plant virus LAMP kit session

Reclone presentation. From Kits to DIY


Presentation and discuss HTGAA collab group project

We will participate in a phage therapy research project. While the general goal is stated we need to distill that in concrete details. Major risk is availability and affordability of reagents.

Continue discussions for partnering and creating a secondary lab more accessible.

Prepare testing for inoculating robot

Select and culture the dishes and liquid culture for testing the Inoculating Robot

Work on the design of kit for LAMP

Decide on the plasmid and order it.

Cell Free Lab

Test the cell free from Kate Atamala/ U of Minesotta. The dry ice was gone by the time we got the packet. Testing result was not conclusive.

Reclone meeting


Approach several organization for partnering and create a secondary lab more accessible.

Reclone meeting

Discuss new presentation for the next meeting

Cell-Free Protocol
Meet to design a cell-free Python protocol for Opentrons and Opentrons tube racks.

Here are the images and files: /diybio/resources/cellfree.py: