DIY with a goal !

Current Lab Equipment and Reagents

Protocols for Workshops

A handy spreadsheet to calculate dilutions quantities for common reagents

Bacterial Transformation protocol

Electroporesis Protocol

Mini prep protocol

Shipping cells in paper

Making Stabs

Other Resources

Amino Acid Table

Codon Table from Leading Company

Codon Table From Leading Org

Protein DataBank with a good viewer

Free Protein viewer used in MIT Edx

Another Free Protein viewer used in MIT Edx

MIT Bio resources

High Quality Free courses from famous Universities. Please take the main courses from MIT

DNA viewer

Sister organizations






We are signatory to the BioBricks Foundation's OpenMTA. The OpenMTA can be thought of an open standard form material transfer. OpenMTA supports open collaboration among community researchers across institutional and international boundaries and promotes access to materials for researchers in less privileged institutions and world regions.

Federal government.

Government support for the Community Bio movement.

Agenda for Canadian Do-It-Yourself Biology Summit on Jan 22 2020

DIY Movement


Other Resources

Ask a biosafety question (US).

Preparation of Electrocompetent Escherichia coli.

Lab and GFP at Gaudi.

Extraction using magnetic beads

Lab on the cheap.

A Guide to DIYbio (updated 2019)

Some interesting article about invivo editing.

Spread the word: Print and post our paper poster!!!!

STEM -Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Our Public Demonstration of Fundamental BioEngineering Principles and Techniques

STEM Electrophoresis Demonstration at the Ottawa Public Library. The file contains the experiment however substitute the expensive kit with our own Electrophoresis Box and equipment!!!!

STEM DNA Extraction at the Ottawa Public Library.

Our draft protocol in text form.

The main source is University of Utah which is famous for Genetics. In this experiment experiment however we substitute the chosen fruit with strawberries.
Here are some of the resources we compile our procedure from:

Utah U protocol

extraction from strawberry

human DNA and great explanations

other straw

improved extraction.